January 7, 2024

by Kimberly Hobbs 

We all know that feeling when we expect someone else should be helping us with “pulling the load”, and our expectations are not met…I suspect that is what Martha felt as Mary sat at the feet of Jesus with so much work that needed to get done.
What started out as joy turned sour. The story is in Luke 10:38-42.
We live in this world. We concern ourselves with food, clothing, homes and family, jobs, and studies. But we also live in a world of the Spirit, where we concern ourselves with our relationship with God, or at least I hope we do.
To get our service and our own expectations right, we need to get our priorities right and always look to God first,  each and every day. He will sustain you.
We need to allow Jesus to minister to us before we go out to minister to others.
We love God first with all our hearts before we prepare to go out and love our neighbor as ourselves.
When we keep our priorities in line with God’s priorities, we will find we don’t rely on others but that  God enables us to do what needs to be done with joy and satisfaction.
When we are turned upside down and feel overworked and unappreciated, remember to look to God and His priorities for us. They may be different than yours at the time. But God, enables the work to get done with the proper balance when you look to Him with your expectations, not others.