January 6, 2025

by Kimberly Hobbs 


Hebrews 2:4
“God also testified to it by signs, wonders and various miracles and by gifts of the Holy Spirit distributed according to His will.”

If you believe and trust in God, then believe that He can and does perform miracles today; modern day miracles that depict the miracles Jesus performed when He was here on earth.

Don’t ever give up on what God can do because He hasn’t answered your prayers. Perhaps He has something else in mind for you, something better. If you want something bad enough, give it to God, and He will show you how badly He wants you to have it, and if He doesn’t and it brings you pain- know that your pain is His pain. He will be there to comfort and ease your pain in ways that you can push through it, ways we can’t possibly imagine.

Receive what God gives when He does and then believe that it is enough to bring your one foot in front of the other foot and know that in itself is a miracle.

Look for what is unseen and hold on to what you know God is capable of. Trust what God wants for you… what you can’t even imagine and that He will offer it to you as a sign of His everlasting love.

Laurie Sammarco