Has anyone committed more to reading your bible this upcoming year?
I charged myself to read the Bible even more than last year with the purpose of gaining more wisdom inside each scripture. I want to make it a priority each day to be in God’s words with allowing His Words to consume my heart and mind.
I know that for so many, including myself, the Bible used to feel like too much to take in, and for some of us, I understand it can, at times, feel overwhelming, especially when we’re just beginning to understand it and get accustomed to connecting with God!
When I first became a Christian, I often felt lost while reading the Bible and would just stop and feel like giving up. Some parts were hard to understand, and my relationship with the Holy Spirit was still growing. But over time, as I prayed and asked God to help me understand, I started to connect with Him on a deeper level. He helped me when I asked Him to. This journey of seeking Him, praying, and asking questions led me to a closer relationship with God, and I’m so grateful I did not give up.
As I began to read daily, attend church, and talk with other believers, I started to see the Bible in a whole new way back then. It felt alive! I discovered hope and a new identity within its pages, and it radically changed me, inside and out and sent me on my path to His purpose.
Our hope is in God’s word! God wants us to turn to Him and His words for hope, safety, and security.
“You are my refuge and my shield; I have put my hope in your word.” (Psalm 119:114)
It’s more than just a book. It’s hope! And in these pages of hope we are constantly reminded of God’s faithfulness and love for us. We are never alone! The stories within the Bible show us that the same God who cared for and rescued His people in the past is with us today. He will never leave us, and He has a plan for each of our lives.
This is my hope.
And if we hold onto the hope which comes from knowing God loves us, it goes without end. Keep faith, keep praying, keep going and trust in the power of His Word- This can be your hope, too.
You are never alone—God is always by your side. Stay strong and in His word, keep going, growing and trust in His perfect love.
Connie VanHorn