January 30, 2024

by Kimberly Hobbs 

What About Joy?
Most people have heard or sung “Joy to the World” at a specific time of year, but what does joy to the world really mean all year round? How can you have joy when it seems like the wheels are coming off at every turn, and you’re holding on for dear life? Or how can there be joy when you are happily sailing through life, and suddenly your world is shattered and crumbled?
Did you know you can be unhappy, even devastated, and still have Joy Unspeakable? Regardless of Your Circumstances? There is a huge difference between happiness and joy. It’s easy to be happy and positive when everything is going well. But how can you have joy when life takes a turn for the worse?
Everyone experiences storms, heartaches, trials, and tribulations in their life. Right now you may be entering into a storm, in the middle of one, or coming out of a monsoon or hurricane. Naturally, no one is happy while undergoing storms and trials. But by relying on and seeing God, Christians can endure these tumultuous times with joy, strength, peace, and hope.  Regardless of the situation!
Take heart! Jesus has overcome the world!
We celebrate that the Lord is our shield, refuge, strength, peace, hope, and JOY! Still, we expect to experience trouble. Because Jesus told us we would in His Word.
“I have told you these things so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” ( John 16:33 NIV)
Be encouraged because God is bringing you bright hope for today and tomorrow and joy and strength as you walk through your circumstances.
Taken from the book:
“Joy Unspeakable”