Isn’t it amazing how God does not give up on us in the midst of our failures or past mistakes?
We can make mess after mess, and God gives His mercy upon mercy. What a word of comfort this is.
We learn in His ever-promising Word that none of our failures need to disqualify us completely when and if we repent and continue to love God with all our hearts, souls and minds and follow Jesus Christ and be obedient.
When you read God’s Word, you will find that mercy triumphs over judgment!
I’ve had many failures in my lifetime, but God has forgiven me and granted me mercy. He taught me so many things, which I now get to share. I can testify of all that He has done for me to help me over my hurdles, one by one, beyond my pain and suffering, tear by teardrop.
When I am pointing others to Jesus and His Word, it supersedes all my past shame and guilt. We can all do this together as we share and become transparent for God’s glory.
God used Mark, who wrote the “gospel of Mark,” after He restored him with His mercy. If Mark allowed his failures to define Him, we wouldn’t have the gospel of Mark in the Bible. If the Samaritan woman allowed her failures to define her, we wouldn’t have her story to glean from and so so much more… I know I fit into one of these! And now, with God, He uses me. Let’s be used by Him together. We can do anything through Him. Alone, we are nothing! How many others within God’s Word did He not give up on? How many others in our day and times is God working on right now?
Women around the world, God will never give up on YOU!!!
What is YOUR purpose? He will put into action by YOUR step of obedience and faith. You are not a failure; you are an overcomer.