January 3, 2024

by Kimberly Hobbs 

Jesus promised us an abundant life, which in essence involves copious amounts of fruitfulness, lavish amounts of love, abundant supplies of strength and courage, and profuse amounts of generosity. As we begin this new year, let’s all pray we can exude these qualities in our walk and talk this year.
Jesus came to give us life. Satan came to steal it from us, to kill our dreams and our passions, and destroy every hint of God-inspired sparkle and joy within us.
A thief has only one thing in mind-he wants to steal, slaughter, and destroy.
“But I have come to give you everything in abundance, more than you expect- life in its fullness until you overflow.!”  (John 10:10 )
Jesus also promised that during our time on Earth, we’d encounter hardship, trials, and tribulations…
“And everything I’ve taught you is so that the peace which is in me will be in you and give you great confidence as you rest in me.”  (John 16:33).
We’ll be misjudged, mistreated, and misunderstood. Don’t throw in the towel over it! Satan will do everything he can to take us out. Don’t make it easy for him. Here comes another promise ladies…
Overwhelming victory is ours in Christ Jesus! YES, IT IS!!!
“Yet in the midst of all these things, we Triumph over them all, for God has made us to be more than conquerors, and his demonstrated love is our glorious victory over everything.” (Romans 8:37)!
Welcome 2024, we look forward to this year in Jesus together. ❤ We are more than conquerors through Jesus Christ our King. He gives us the power to do exceedingly more than we can ever fathom on our own. Walk into it with Him. Experience it and love what He provides for you!