January 27, 2024

by Kimberly Hobbs 

Trusting The Lord’s Miraculous Plan
God has a plan for your life! As children, we are often asked what we want to be when we grow up. When we are young, we dream big. But as we grow, sometimes the path can begin to look different than we imagined. No matter our steps or missteps, we can trust that God will always direct us, and if we follow in obedience, He will lead us on a magnificent journey!
At Women World Leaders, our prayer is that our stories, though sometimes raw and painful, will empower and strengthen you to put your eyes on Jesus, who is not only the author and perfector of our faith, but is the One who can see all the paths and is faithful to lead and never leave you.
God does indeed work all things together for the good of those who love Him, and in Him, we can find the peace to walk the path that He prepares for us.
Your future is bright, dear one, because you can trust the ONE who holds your future and promises to lead you.
“In their hearts, human beings plan their lives. But the Lord decides where their steps will take them.” (Proverbs 16:9 NIRV)
Taken from the book:
Embrace The Journey