January 27, 2022

by Kimberly Hobbs 

Being a mom presses “hurt pangs” I never thought I had and tests everything I think I know about spiritual growth and trusting God to provide and wait patiently on Him..
 How many of you might relate with what I just wrote about this motherhood journey?
If you allow God to hold your hand through life as a mom, I promise you He will stretch you, consume you, and mold you into the mom He has created you to be.
I have adult children now. Being a mom is never-ending. It’s for life. It can mean incredible moments of joy and yet it can also be the greatest moments of despair and pain; sometimes ridden with agony of guilt- no matter what stage of motherhood you’re currently in…it’s not always easy.
 One thing I can assure you with is there is a Father who cares and will lift the weight of pressure from the task and rest your weary shoulders and remind you of what you know to be true. Allow Him that entrance to do so. Praise Him for it! You must confide in Him moment by moment to guide you through your never-ending battlefield.
Generations from now, Lord willing, your descendants will be scattered across His earth, standing against whatever ungodly cultures exists in their day.
 Pray that God will use you my friend, as well as your children, to reach the multitudes with His Truth and His love. Don’t stop praying for them. Through every stage of their life, they need YOU and your continuous PRAYERS as their mother.
You are possibly living out incredible stories involving your small children- to adult children right at this very moment. Pray that God can possibly use these stories He has given you to one day share them for His ultimate glory.
 Don’t give up on that or them. Believe and trust God He will use it all. Cling to it. Claim it, and claim His never-ending truths.
 I’m claiming it, please claim His promises and cling to them with me.