January 26, 2024

by Kimberly Hobbs 

It Takes Courage To Overcome Disease!
Many of us infected with diseases have a choice of how we view them. No disease is easy to withstand, and some are definitely worse than others, but with God’s grace, we can persevere in steadfast joy.
Throughout the Bible, we see examples of individuals inflicted with terrible diseases. We can ask ourselves, why? Why did they suffer, and why do we have to suffer? Why do the ones we love have to suffer? It is interesting that the biblical characters seemed to have a purpose for their afflictions. And God deemed it valuable enough to share their stories in His Word. These Biblical characters can be an example to us.
Although Job was blameless, upright, and feared God, God used his traumas to draw Job closer to Himself. You can read about this in the book of Job, chapters one and two.
Moses’ sister Miriam was inflicted with a judgment because of her unrepentant sins against God. The Bible tells us that Moses had to intercede for her healing. (Numbers 12:1-15)
Then there was the woman who bled for 12 years. Because of her faith, God healed her. Her example has become famous in the Word of God.
There are many examples in the Bible of individuals who are afflicted with terrible diseases, allowing their ailments to turn their attention to God. It takes courage to know that no matter what you may be walking through in the present, whatever plagues your body or soul, having faith and trusting in God’s plan can position you for joy.
If you knew you could be used by the God of the Galaxies to show His miraculous power through your battles of sickness, could you be willing to be a vessel used by Him through it all? Even if it took your life to do it? It takes courage to say “yes.” It takes powerful courage to trust an illness into God’s care and leave it in His hands. Only He can give you the strength to endure and the will to continue on.
Pray and surrender any disease to God, whether it be yours or someone else who is afflicted. Ask Him for the courage needed to seek and find His will in your life through your disease or to help another with theirs.
Taken from the book: “Courageous Steps of Faith”