January 23, 2024

by Kimberly Hobbs 

Did you know that God has NOT robotically programmed you for service? He issues you an invitation and then He graciously waits for you to make a choice.
I know many times prior to founding this ministry, I passed up opportunities to serve God. I felt unworthy, inadequate, and very afraid. I questioned God saying, “I don’t have enough experience, I’m not a great speaker, I’ve made too many wrong choices in my past, and I don’t think I can lead.” All of the excuses I’ve given over the past years only led me to stay stagnant and do absolutely nothing for kingdom work.
Everything changed when I trusted God, took my eyes off myself, saw a need in others, and then stepped out in faith to do something about what I saw.
Women were hurting all over the place, some were just like me and stumbling while trying to find the right place to be.
I finally and timidly raised my hand to heaven, openly said “yes” to God, and then took on the authority He gave to me by faith to help myself and others with their hurting hearts.
God allowed me to administer hope in identifying truth from God’s Word which could help them show me what I needed to learn more about myself. The more I read His Word, the faster I was on my way to serving Him wholly and Holy. It’s been exhilarating as well as breathtaking at the same time.
Taking a leap of faith when you don’t trust yourself is what it is and where it’s at! TRUSTING GOD FIRST, ABOVE YOURSELF, brings relief! It happens – but it ONLY HAPPENS because you allow Him to do what you can not.
God is calling you today to help someone who is hurting. You may not have it all together but God equips you with exactly what you’ll need in the moment you say “yes” and go. Step out in faith, just like Moses did when he knew he couldn’t even talk properly. God told Moses, “Go; I will teach you what to say.” (Exodus 4:12)
God told me, Go; I’ll teach you what to say and He is still teaching me every day. He instructs me when I write each day, when I speak, when I minister to others, when I pray out loud, when I use my own “lack of confidence” to build others up, every single day, God uses me because I give myself to Him! He uses it all for His glory.
Step out in faith dear one. God is nudging you right this moment. I know He is!