January 19, 2023

by Kimberly Hobbs 

All of us go through some pretty heavy and tumultuous times as we live life in this modern world. God may allow us to go through some dark times so that we will reach out for Him and find Him in these spaces and places. Going through any “normal” day in a storm of any kind is not easy.
He doesn’t want us to ever doubt that He will be there for us. May I encourage you with this sister? If you are struggling, reach for Him, He is near, He loves you, and He wants to hear from you.
Dear one, please understand that when you reach out to God in the darkest times in your life, you can be assured and know that you will always find His hand reaching to touch you in a very special way. He is waiting for you.
Those of you who know me personally know that for a fleeting moment when I go through rough waters, I may cry, and I  may look sad or even fearful, but I quickly pull myself together! Each and every time, God gets a hold of me! How do I know it’s Him? Because I always reach for God’s hand to pull me through, and He is there. It works. He is always there. He will be there for you too.  It takes faith for the reach on your part! Reach for God.
I praise Him in the storms, and when they hit at this time of year, despite how difficult it is to do sometimes, I PRAISE Him through it all.
It’s truly amazing how God somehow returns a “sparkle” to this momma’s eyes with so many incredible younger lives I get to mentor. As soon as I start praising Him, giving Him the glory for everything going on around me, He sends me more and more. Why? Because God has a plan in everything. He already knows what will happen when we do not see what’s coming ahead. God is God, ladies; he makes no mistakes.
God never allows me to sit in the darkness for very long. He is my forever light. There is no greater love than that. He is the light of this world that shines in my darkest times, and He will shine in yours too. Do you allow Him to shine in your darkness?
It’s amazing that when I am down or reflecting, I just say the words, “I praise you, Lord; I know you are with me now, and I believe you will shine Your light on my situation.”
God’s glory is over heaven and earth, and it’s over your life today, sister!
My praise is the loudest in my darkest times when I hurt. Please do this; let your voice scream His songs 🎵 as the whole earth hears of Him through your storm! Shout it out, Woman World Leader; SHOUT IT OUT!!!!!
He lives, He reigns, and He restores your hurts to healing. He’s incredible. Please open His Word right now and ask Him for a scripture for your soul, He will give it to you. Trust Him to do this. His Word is alive!