January 18, 2024

by Kimberly Hobbs 

I’ve been setting up house these past weeks and have unpacked so many of my crosses from different parts of the world and reflected on many friends who have given them to me as gifts. But one thing is certain in them all, they each signify a purpose. Every time I hold one, I’m reminded of the cost that has been paid for my eternal security with God.
The cross is my daily assurance that Christ is on my side, He is working on my behalf. When I am hurting or afraid, I know I can keep moving because I have hope in the cross of Christ.  He has given me POWER to help myself and serve others.
“And God is able to bless you abundantly, so that in all things at all times, having all that you need, you will abound in every good work.” (1 Corinthians 9:8)
In the midst of whatever you have going on inside your life, you are not alone nor are you defeated! Choose to praise our God with all the hope that’s within you through the power of the cross Jesus bore for you.
May we all spread the love of Jesus through the example of the cross and testify of His miracle of hope in the gift God gave us through His mighty work.
As I wake up each morning, I see this picture of the cross by my bedside. I asked God when I hung it there, to remind me each day of the cost that was paid for my eternity with Him. May the cross always be a reminder to each of us as a debt we could never repay that was paid in full for our sins. He loved each one of us – that much! ❤️