January 16, 2024

by Kimberly Hobbs 

Overcoming adversity in our lives is freeing, we have the ability to release and recharge to move forward with God. But how can we resolve conflict among women? Women seem to carry or hold on to wrongs or hurts inflicted by others.
Deal with conflicts as soon as possible to avoid magnifying grudges.
Affirm the other woman around others or in a group setting, and when necessary to confront someone, do it privately and confidentially.
Discuss your grievance with them and do your best to keep it to yourself, private, and no one else.
Confront the issue but don’t attack the person. You can scar someone forever if you are not cautious.
Be clear in expressing your true feelings to another.
Listen carefully to what the other person is saying and try to understand her point of view.
Be quick to forgive her if you’ve been hurt by her and be the one to be quick to ask for forgiveness, especially if you’re the one who wronged another or if you have hurt someone else.
Do not become everyone’s best friend. You are commanded to love others, so, treat them how you want to be treated, that’s all.
Come up with a plan so the hurt doesn’t happen again.
Remember, God calls us to be peacemakers.
“Blessed Are the Peacemakers, for They Will Be Called Children of God” (Matthew 5:9)
The seventh beatitude takes every Christian worker into the task of conflict resolution. Conflicts arise whenever people have differences of opinion.
It is our job to edify and build up our sisters and trust God for the results.❤