Having to load up this old wood-burning stove at my parent’s home these past weeks, I’ve felt the intensity of the flames touch me which has brought so many thoughts to my mind.
As I’ve burned my hands, my arms, and my fingers while trying to get these wood pieces positioned deep inside the stove, I think of this scripture…
Isaiah 43:2
“When you pass through the waters, I will be with you;
And through the rivers, they will not overflow you.
When you walk through the fire, you will not be scorched,
Nor will the flame burn you.”
I am crying writing this post!
While caring for my mom and step Dad, both completely critical and crippled with dreaded covid, God has shown me His presence. His hand of provision through the fire has been with me every time I cried to Him. I had only to open my eyes and see Him in the fire, He was and is here with me all the time.
Although none of this has been easy, God has seen me through with blessings of life and living within it.
I may have “war marks” and physical burns upon me, I’m tired, I’m weak, I’m a little down because I’m so exhausted, but I’m grateful. I have internal joy!
As Ken and I have been completely exposed to covid in its various stages, God has remarkably put a complete hedge of protection around us so that we could administer care to both mom and Papa without harm. No masks, no medicine, no vaccine, just His divine protection which we trusted Him for to begin with. That is a miracle in itself.
Every day I marvel at what God has done to keep us all alive in our own individual ways. We are all different, we all gather wisdom and our own strength differently, and that’s ok. I’m only sharing to testify that “Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things unseen.” ( Hebrews 11:1)
This verse came alive when I walked through the fire these weeks. God knows what is going to happen, He is in control. I am not. I just need to trust Him by faith and walk through. It may not always be the results I want, but He is God, not me.
God never said it would be easy to face things that are difficult, but He promised He would be with us through it all. He never leaves us nor forsakes us.
I’m grateful that He has spared both my parents recently and also Kenny and I from this dreaded disease- I thank Him continuously for it. This has given me an even greater compassion for those who have lost loved ones and are battling it themselves even as I write this.
May you find the strength that only God can provide as you walk through any fire that comes in your own life.
I pray your 2022 new year will be one of purpose, passion in your service to God, and meaning for mankind as you search out everything that comes to you through this next year. May your 2022 be a healthy happy year of “joy” in every situation.