January 15, 2024

by Kimberly Hobbs 

The fresh days into the new year come with reflecting time for most after being around loved ones. We pray over our families or even burdens for those who don’t know Jesus that we may have come in contact with through the past month.
Much reflection could bring about a need to pray again and again. Specific prayers for special needs must be discussed with God. We’ve heard of many things come forward in prayer to our Lord and we know only He can bring hope.
I went to our Father multiple times throughout the day on Christmas and needed some prayer time with God. Although it seemed repetitious to me over what I was praying for, I still prayed it again and I know God heard my prayers!
Don’t give up, don’t ever give up on your family, friends, loved ones, and those who’ve been on your prayer list.
How many times do we start into prayer wondering if God is really listening to us?
Some may think starting off with formal prayers laced with high and holy phrases may help get God’s attention. Some of us think, “I’ll just state the tough stuff and not bother God with all my many words”… while others will cover a gamut of “everything that they can think of” just so as not to leave anything “unsaid” (as if God doesn’t already know). But it’s ok.
None of our prayers are wrong. We should never worry about whether God hears our prayers or not.
God is always there. He hears ALL of our prayers and He never leaves us alone in our needs. Don’t doubt what God instructs us to do. Pray without ceasing. If you have family that you are burdened for, please don’t stop praying! God hears you and hears your heart. ❤️
He will NEVER leave you or forsake you. (Hebrews 13:5) It’s His promise to you.
We should always start off our prayers by  praying and inviting God’s presence to dwell in us and ask Him to forgive us. We may have strayed or we might have messed up,  but He is quick to forgive. Keep the channels open through your prayer by confessing and washing. We can be assured that God hears it all. All of our prayers.
“Since we have this confidence, we can also have great boldness before him, if we ask anything agreeable to His will, He will hear us. And if we know that He hears us in whatever we ask, we also know that we have obtained the requests we ask of him.”  (1 John 5:14-15)
Pray for the needs on your heart today, dear sister.❤