January 14, 2023

by Kimberly Hobbs 

As your children leave home and go into this world on their own, your prayers for them don’t stop. They shouldn’t be forgotten in prayer. I’ve found my prayers for my children have actually increased! I pray daily and multiple times throughout the day for them or whenever I think of them by name.
Prayer is a way to influence your child, wherever they are. Whether near you or far from you, prayer works every time! When I found out my daughter was pregnant, I asked if I could pray with her every day throughout the pregnancy of her baby. (5 minutes of daily prayer can influence a child’s heart!❤)
I was confident that God would work through the prayers for my daughter while praying for her and my grandchild in her womb. She agreed to do this, and we prayed daily for five months straight, not missing a day!
I hold on to the fact that God heard every word I prayed back then because now, something in her life has changed, and we no longer communicate. Although my heart has been broken, and I can’t understand it, I can only hope the influence through prayer will spark her heart at times; I can not. This is also where my faith comes in as a mother. I must walk by faith and not by sight! ( 2 Cor.5:7) I must trust and release to God.
Children are still your children despite what we see happening in the “now.” Despite how the enemy chooses to minimize what we’ve done with them in the past, He loses! GOD WINS.
God is faithful.
So whatever is happening right now in your life, your kids’ lives, and both of my daughters’ lives, none of us should take our eyes off God! I can not take my eyes off God. I still believe those prayers I prayed will impact my daughter’s life, even if I don’t see it happening now.
I miss them both, but I trust God in what I can not see.
Your prayers will have an impact on your children’s life! Do not discount it! Do not stop! Tell God everything you have on your heart and how you’d like to see Him move in your children’s lives. I do this every day, ladies! I don’t stop, despite what the enemy shouts at me.
Your prayers work. May you find peace in knowing God hears you praying and has heard all those past prayers too.