How do we go about life when we are in the middle of happiness and our world collapses? I know the disciples experienced this when they were in the midst of serving Jesus with joy and great anticipation, and then He was crucified.
When the disciples were feeling alone, they probably expected the worst, but what happened in this moment?
Jesus came and stood among them and said, “Peace be with you! After he said this, he showed them his hands and side. The disciples were overjoyed when they saw the Lord.” (John 19-20)
Because I have learned this Bible verse to be so true, that’s why I’m sharing it. Whenever I feel a weight that comes crashing down on me, I remember the presence of Christ that turned the disciple’s panic into praise. All I need to do is look up! I look to the heavens ( it might be my ceiling at any given time, lol), and I simply say, “God, I need you right now!” And just that quickly, His presence floods my soul!
” The Lord is near to those who are discouraged: he saves those who lost all hope.” ( Psalm 34:18)
God cares for you when you feel hopeless. And He will never let you walk through things alone.
He tells us that when we go through deep waters and have tremendous trouble in our lives, He will be with us, and we will not get swallowed up. Read Isaiah 43!
God is with you right now, you will never be alone. Seek Him in everything.