January 10, 2024

by Kimberly Hobbs 

I have enjoyed this month the “Goodness of God.” I’ve seen it displayed and heard it spoken from so many. As we connect together enjoying Facebook and the website, we have had women come forward with their stories.
Godly friends and the connection they bring display the “goodness of God.”
Have you ever stopped to think why it may be particularly important to connect with women? I have.
I am learning the value and importance of Godly connection in seasons of my life, especially as I move forward into “deeper ministry missions” that require faith, prayer, and assistance.
Women are strength to one another and they are really a help in times of need. By opening the doors of our hearts to other women, we can help each other become better women.
Putting aside competition, jealousy, lack of trust when it arises, and self-protection, I am learning I need other women to love me, affirm me, and encourage me so that I can in turn love others, love my husband and my children, with a love “overflowing.”
Years ago, I asked myself, do I really need women in my life? Yes, I really need them!