February 16, 2024

by Kimberly Hobbs 

Here are 4 boundaries; core values that have helped keep priorities straight and keep a watch on motives while walking a narrow road. Perhaps they will help you too…
Holy Confidence (not insecurity and not a bloated sense of self-importance; a total belief that we are completely valuable and secure in Him)
Humble Dependence (not false humility and a spirit of independence; a knowledge that we can do nothing apart from Him; we need Him every hour)
Kingdom Passion (not selfish ambition and not a passive lethargy; we’re fueled every day by the life of Christ Jesus mightily at work within us; His priorities are our priorities, His passions are our passions)
Calvary Love (not self-preservation in not self-promotion; we die daily that we might grow deeper; we choose humble, sacrificial love, knowing that our salvation and our honor depend on God alone)
As we guard our hearts, keep His Word close and alive inside and the enemy’s lies at bay, the Lord Himself will strengthen and energize us to endure.
“They Word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path. “