February 13, 2025

by Kimberly Hobbs 


Do you ever feel you are fighting a battle against principalities and evil and various temptations throughout your day-to-day life? In my own life, when I feel I am doing really good and I’m tight with God, the enemy tries to wiggle in with something that will take my focus off my Lord. But God equips me to find a way out of the situation every single time.

” I have made up my mind to obey your laws forever, no matter what.” ( Psalm 119:112)

Sometimes, we may feel ineffective or defeated in our lives. This is often because we don’t know how to fight the battle that goes on inside us and in our minds.

God gave us natural desires to do many things like eat, sleep, drink, and even have sex. Yes, they are natural desires, and they are good. How we handle those desires is what counts. The devil wants to trip us up and cause those things to become all we think about, therefore taking us away from God.

Don’t ever doubt God and His Word. Understand where you have weaknesses. He does. But so does the evil one. The enemy knows them, and so should you! Know where you are weak. Verbalize where you are weak to God. Temptation does not become sin in your life until you give in to it. Ask God to help you in your weaknesses each day!

“Temptation comes from our own desires, which entices us and drag us away. These desires give birth to sinful actions. And when sin is allowed to grow, it gives birth to death.” (James 1:14-15)

God gives us freedom to choose what we will do inside our life each day. The best way to win your battle against anything the enemy throws at you is to renew your mind with God and be in His Word each and every day. Have you made your mind up to obey God’s Word today, no matter what? Only you can choose and resolve to turn away from sin before you succumb to it!

“ I have made up my mind to obey your laws forever, no matter what.” Memorize this scripture!!!!!!! (Psalm 119:112)