December 9, 2023

by Kimberly Hobbs 

This octopus is pretty transparent, would you agree?
What does “living” in transparency mean to you?
Transparency to me means not having anything to hide, which is different from having things that should be kept private or confidential.
How transparent are you with God?
God can see right through your external flesh and directly into your heart and what you think. When we are transparent with God, we experience the blessings of being: brought to a place of deeper trust in Him (Psalm 91:2) reminded that we are loved unconditionally by Him (1 John 4:10) restored to a right relationship with Him (1 John 1:9).
The question of  “Are you transparent with God,” may seem odd considering that God, the Omniscient Creator of all life, inherently comprehends everything that can possibly be known about us (Psalm 139:1-3; Hebrews 4:13).
These scriptures show us how God sees EVERYTHING about us.
Nevertheless, there is something to be said about the degree to which “we” desire (or not) to be intimately known by a God who already knows us intimately.
What we often fail to realize, though, is that even when we sin, the last thing we need is to be concealed from God’s sight. We need His all-knowing, never-failing willingness to forgive us and cleanse us from all unrighteousness.
It is an irrational, unbiblical response that is rooted in fear to try to cover it all up. (2 Timothy 1:7);
“For God gave us a spirit not of fear but of power and love and self-control.”
As you can see in this picture I chose, the brain of this octopus, God sees right through us into our hearts and minds and depths of our inner being!
Don’t fall into the trap! The same fear that tricked Adam and Eve into believing they could hide themselves from God is what compels people to this day to hide from God…live transparently 🩷