December 29, 2024

by Kimberly Hobbs 


“Lord, give me wisdom and knowledge so that I will not do things in ignorance and perish because of it.” Hosea 4:6: “My people are destroyed from lack of knowledge.”

Let us not be a group of women who hide ourselves from reality, ever. Face it with ferocious faith that God gives each of us.

We are in a fire in different ways, each of us! An intense battle in health, finances, relationships, and faith. The enemy wants to take us from all God has for us. Educate yourselves in truth, women of God!

Read God’s word daily and hourly and “be drenched in God’s direction so you can be driven with God’s PURPOSE!” (I think I just wrote a quote to be remembered!) Lol.

We have laws to learn, God’s laws. We need to memorize them and be fervent about teaching these to our children and grands during these times we face each day. Would we agree? Now is the time. I pray we will not be found guilty of perishing for your lack of knowledge or allow your children to head into this place of peril and perish because we were not equipped to teach them whenever we can.

Remember the verse, and I love sharing it with you over and over. I will share it again now. Please consider praying this scripture daily over your life and for your kids, especially right now, at this hour!!!! The time is now.

James 1:5
“If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask God, and he will give it generously to anyone who asks.”

Remember to ask Him for the wisdom, in Jesus’ Name❤. Amen. And also because He says, “ask anything in my name and I will do it!”….that the Father may be glorified, right?