December 22, 2023

by Kimberly Hobbs 

We all should want to hold God tight and shine for Him in our living but unfortunately sin separates us from God! It’s a simple truth.
Sharing something personal, I can speak from experience because, in my trying times when I had sin in my life and couldn’t let go of it, my relationship with God was absent. My life became darker and darker in this state of living. You can read my story in Tears to Triumph where  God has told me to use my past life story in which God redeemed and restored me to become a living vessel on moving water. I’m here to testify that if you’re harboring sin, it destroys you.
I knew in my heart I needed and wanted the relationship back but felt I could not let go of the sin that felt so good at that time. But I became weaker and weaker until my life collapsed. My life was in shambles, I opened my eyes in a new place with a question. How did this ever happen? My life was wrecked!
Can anyone relate to me?
If we don’t confess our sins, we end up hiding from God. We get further and further from Him because the sin feels so good…but it only lasts for a season and then wipes you out. We justify our life until the ruins set in. We then place blame on everything and everyone else and we hide ourselves from God because of our shame.
Please, ladies, nothing is more heavy and more destructive than sin in your life. Only you and God know what that is. The Bible says; “For him that knows to do good and doesn’t do it, to him it is sin.” (James 4:17)
Nothing is more freeing than God’s compassion and grace. When you confess your sin you are not informing God of something He doesn’t already know. God wants to know that you’ve acknowledged your sin and you are ready to turn from it.
“If you confess your sin, he is faithful and just to forgive your sins and cleanse you from all unrighteousness.” (1 John 1:9)
I can not tell you enough the FREEDOM you will experience with a renewed relationship towards your Heavenly Father. He loves you most when you confess and get rid of SIN!!! 🙏 I know I’m not alone in this, praise God for forgiveness through Jesus Christ. I’m praying for all our women here, in Jesus’ Name.  ❤️