How many of us set out with faith to do something powerful, and before we know it, our faith is being tested?
Did God call you to step out in faith for anything in your life? If He did, DO NOT GIVE UP, woman of God, never give up!
Jesus shows us in His word that if our faith doesn’t fail, we can endure hardship, face temptation, and even act faithless at times, but ultimately, we can be God’s instruments to do great things. May we believe this wholeheartedly, dear Sister.
Strong faith and many prayers allow what we do in WWL’S to come to fruition. It’s incredible the books and Voice of Truth magazine and what other things women of God step out to do by faith. But many of us have had the faith of this “calling” challenged, some throughout our writing and some just recently.
The enemy wants nothing more than to STOP the books and the magazines, which all contain the gospel message of Jesus inside. Do we give up? NO! Is it easy? No, but our faith always makes a way.
Faith is like a house. If the foundation gives way, the house crumbles. If the faith that it took to write the foundation of these books ever wavers, the books could crumble.
Praise God those who are “called” to write, give, help, edit, and pray in the Name of Jesus. Thank you to all who have all made a commitment to God by faith. They stepped out in the courage with steps of faith they were “called” to do and did not cave through warfare. They maintained their faith through it all.. amen.
We praise God for those with strong faith who prayed through the treacherous storms they faced and are praying through the battles that are ongoing as the ministry continues with beautiful success; ALL glory to God.
This ministry takes fierce faith, a ferocious faith not to waver and to see this mission through to 100%. Do not give up on your step of faith, whatever it is you are called to do. Who amongst us doesn’t need to have stronger faith? We ALL do!
Courageous Steps of Faith, With God, All Things Are Possible.