December 2, 2023

by Kimberly Hobbs 

Let’s step out boldly and courageously, and with urgency to “cleanse our DNA.”  By doing this, God can work in our lives and He can heal us and our land.
Repentance should be a part of our daily routine. When we mess up in even the slightest ways do we fess up? Keeping our hearts clear and clean before God is key to a tight relationship with Him. Confess your sins before God.
Living in this world we can be bombarded with temptation at different turns, we can be triggered to lose tempers in a flash, we can fall into sin at any given time and be attacked with obstacles.   Confession needs to be part of our daily lives. Keep the heart in check. Always have open and direct passages to our Father by ridding anything you are harboring that is not of God.
Please keep your communication on the “God channel.”  By keeping lines open between you and our Lord, POWERFUL things will happen in His Name. This is done through confessing your sins the moment you know you’ve messed up.  Removing any barriers between you and your Holy God that you love and trust will keep the movement alive between you and your Savior.
The goal of the enemy is to change your DNA. He wants to rework and rewire you to his way of thinking. He wants to bombard your “frequency” with the wrong things you see and hear. Please don’t allow any of it inside your homes. Guard your gates women of God. DO NOT ALLOW THE ENEMY TO CONTROL YOUR DWELLING, YOUR PROPERTY OR YOUR OWN  DNA.
We need to be praying for “strongholds” to be broken in Jesus’ Name and minds to be renewed daily in Christ Jesus. The enemy is creating havoc all around us and he wants to stop you if you’re serving God. Don’t feed into his deception. He tries to alter your being but God is more powerful.
Speak love and encouragement back to others, show mercy through difficult times, and stay out of your own intellect, SEEK GOD’S WISDOM ABOVE WHAT YOU THINK YOU KNOW. Starve the feeding frenzy when it happens with anything that resembles evil.
Repent for the things you need to repent over and pray for those who need your love and prayers and encourage everyone with action in the love that Jesus asks you to encourage them with.
If you’re doing something contrary to God do you know your blood emits a certain type of endorphin? Just like if you watch a scary movie? It’s scientifically proven and it’s the same type of endorphin that demons feed on when they are pursuing you. Don’t give in to them or egg them on by being weak. Take a stand. Stay away from anything evil that’s not of God!
The blood of Jesus works on a different frequency as believers. It takes down satan’s frequency. You hold that POWER in your blood if you’re a  Christ follower.
Stomp out the devil. God’s people need to step up quickly, confess known sin, and worship and praise Him now more than ever!!!
Even if you are not in proper alignment with God He says, “Even if my followers were silenced, the very stones would break forth with praises!”
Luke 19:40
Get right before God and PRAISE Him!
We are here for a reason and to complete the task God puts in front of us through the Holy Spirit’s nudging. Train your senses between good and evil. God is faithful. He will see you through it all.
“If my people, who are called by my name will humble themselves and pray, and SEEK MY FACE, and TURN FROM THE WICKED WAYS, then will I hear from heaven…FORGIVE their sins and HEAL THEIR LAND.”
(2 Chronicles 7:14)