December 17, 2023

by Kimberly Hobbs 

We all have our share of woes and issues that can drag us down on any given day with concern. It could be sickness, natural catastrophe, or heartbreak, but God. He can not use us if we “give up” because of strife in our lives! You could be a vessel while you face stormy seas.
Giving up is not who we are ladies! As I walked through a health scare, giving up was not an option; although I thought it could be grim what was happening. I was prepared to face it with God and I did!
Stand up, be heard, and be counted!!! It’s not always easy but we are called, even in adversity.
God wants to hear from you even when you walk through some darkness. He works each and everything together for good. He says so and He promises this. So why stop short of your blessing?  HE WORKS ALL THINGS TOGETHER! That means the good and the bad and no need to quit when life gets difficult for us. (Rom. 8:28)
Obedience calls for being obedient to His voice within us.
Do you hear Him whisper within?
We must be a voice and listen for HIS voice to us despite what we face in the flesh! He would not tell us to quit, not ever. He would not tell you life is over, throw in the towel, no He would tell us to persevere through the problem. No way and no matter what, do not give up!
GOD calls us to rise above our circumstances and be counted…look at the great leaders in the Bible who faced many daily challenges. We learn from them.
You must take action. Take the first step and He steps with you. He says, “I will never fail you or abandon you”.
(Hebrews 13:5)
God will bless you as you walk it out seeing “NOTHING is impossible with God.” (Luke 1:37)
An act of obedience, a willed heart to say “yes Lord” and watch all of your desires become a blank check, signed by God to do as He leads you. But … please remember, “obedience is key”.
He is your Great Provider! He will supply ALL your needs according to His riches. (Phil 4:19) and He is a wealthy God.
I cried out to the Lord in my distress and He heard me, wow did He hear me. I heard His voice in my darkest moment and He healed me!
Do not quit. Do not give up. Become an obedient believer and see your fabulous blessings you can’t even contain. God’s mercies will flood your life beyond comprehension when you release your issue to Him alone!