August 6, 2024

by Kimberly Hobbs 


May God give us a purpose and insight for “His vision” over the remainder of our year in this ministry. If we pray with intention, God can reveal what we pray for, if it be His will. 

I’d love to share with you the special word God has provided through many months and years of prayer in Women World Leaders. The word “surrender” surfaces many times to so many of our sisters here. May we surrender concerning issues in our lives so it might be possible for God to take over our needs. Whether it be in our personal life or for our group, surrendering to God is important… 

You will see this word emerging in many ways as God leads us through ministering and caring for others, especially as women of God. 

May God prompt your heart to step up and become the leader He has you to be! This may be your personal call to hear the word “surrender, ” ponder it, and think about joining part of the mission with us.

Surrendering to God to do the fearful things that have hindered you in your past can be possible through trusting, obeying, and releasing your own control.

Surrender to God so He can direct you to combat the evil that pushes you back.

Surrender yourself and be willing to fight for truth. 

Surrender your will to step forward in faith, no matter what your sight says.

Surrender to God all of your doubts in order to believe in yourself again.

Surrender idols and make Jesus Lord of your entire life before anything or anyone else. 

As I write this out, I ask you to pray with me this very moment and ask God how He will use this word “surrender” in your heart.

May we all claim this POWERFUL word and work on application as a Woman WORLD Leader.

Wherever you are in your journey of life, Surrendering control to God is a wise decision for your direction. We have so many things in the plan here. Many of them could involve YOU!  We can’t wait to announce more of them to you. Please pray you will be prepared with a surrendered heart to be used of God. 

You can be God’s “special agent” this year.  May God’s will be done, and may He use YOU in His planning.