Everything that is God ordained, gives! Think about the sun that woke you up this morning, it gives light to your day. Think about the stars that guide you at night. Think about the plants and animals that provide food for you.
Think about the Twelve disciples. They were called and gave their lives to fulfill the Great Commission so that we can all know who Jesus is. God appointed all of these.
Think about this, it’s powerful… If you are ordained by God, and prayerfully you are… how are you giving? He created you, He called you with a purpose in mind. He made a way. Your purpose is to give. Let’s not just take advantage of everything given to us and take without thought. Sometimes we get on auto-pilot and just take and take wherever it’s easy.
God has us in place wherever He has called us in our individual lives. Each of us with our own special gifts are unique, different from the next. He set us all in place on this planet with a distinct purpose in mind for those He loves, to give as He instructs you to go.
What are you giving today in the Name of Jesus?
Are you giving help to someone in need? Are you giving the gospel message to someone in darkness? Are you giving money where God prompts you? Are you praying with someone who needs comfort? Are you bringing unannounced food to someone who hasn’t had a decent meal in months? Are you bringing healthy joy and laughter to someone discouraged? Are you sharing time with the old person who has no one around them? Are you bringing someone to a destination that can’t drive and is isolated?
The list goes on to give as God so graciously has given to us each day…
Why are you here on earth?
If you take without giving at a store, it’s called shoplifting. Please don’t be a “shoplifting” Christ follower. He has you designated for a purpose…to GIVE on His behalf, with love from your heart.
Let’s pray that somehow and someway we will be the one person who can provide something for another. Let’s make it a part of our daily routine. You may be the angel sent from God to be the giver for that certain person that needs a reflection of Jesus in their life.
Everything God ordained gives!