August 30, 2024

by Kimberly Hobbs 


God tells us we will be known by our fruits. We will leave a fragrance of who He is wherever we have gone, by what fruits are remaining evident in the after. May your fruits reach into an expansion you can only dream possible.

Troubles and pressures have no bearing on you. Because when you are dispersing heaven’s love to people, you are operating in the love God has given you!

“Your spiritual roots go deeply into his life. As you are continually infused with strength, encouraged in every way. For you are established in the faith you have absorbed and enriched by your creation to him!” (Colossians 2:7) 

What the enemy tries to use against you for evil, stand firm; God will use it for good.

God is your Redeemer who has given you a story of overcoming and a victory that He will use. Walk about day to day in the confidence that He will open a path to produce fruit that will grow along the way.

Your fruit will be as abundant as what God did for those in His word who remained faithful and true. Hold on to your faith. Nothing can keep you from spreading heaven’s love! Go into the world and let them know you by your fruits!