God is waiting to send you into this broken world and let you shine your love through Him. The Bible paints a picture of God in Isaiah 6:8, describing the Lord’s voice saying, “Whom shall I send, and who will go?” Can you imagine God searching in our homes, churches, cities, and beyond asking this question of who should I send to this place He wants us to go? Maybe He wants us to head to the department store or the nearby laundry mat? Maybe visit the house for sale down the street?
God has troubled people who need our attention everywhere. They are just waiting for someone to show up and display His glory and power.
God doesn’t “need” us. However, He wants to “use” us with our gifts and talents that He has given to us! He is ready to use our obedient hearts.
God will equip you to do whatever the task is in every way that you’d need it done. I am a prime example of not feeling ready to start the ministry, but God said, “You are ready, GO!” But, I had to make myself available to Him first.
Have you told God you are ready to be used? Ever? He is waiting… He will accomplish His will through your “yes” so that the world can see that He loves them.
“Whom shall I send, and who will go?” (Isaiah 6:8)