August 27, 2023

by Kimberly Hobbs 

When our Lord Jesus spoke, it was so! “Lazarus, come forth.” “Peace be still.” “Lord, if you are willing, You can make me clean.” Jesus responded, “I am willing; be cleansed” ( Luke 5:12-13)
How powerful is the God we serve that when He speaks, it is done. I marvel at how He calmed the sea, raised the dead, and how He speaks over my soul that He loves so much. He gave His life for me!
God’s word over us has power to heal, deliver, and rescue us when we need Him to.
I will never forget moments in my life when I saw God in action, and He was speaking directly to my soul. I shiver at it. He spoke beautiful word pictures to me that brought infinite power to my situation at hand. He spoke them through His Word or Bible messages I’d listen to.
Because I knew immediately that when Jesus spoke in that moment, it was done! I think back to my turtle faith story when we were without a place to hold our WWL event. God told me, despite all that I physically saw happening in front of me, which said the event would never happen no matter how much work had been done, but God told me- it would! By faith!
And weeks later, by a miraculous phone call, it happened! The very thing God told me to trust Him with. It was not my stress to carry. God said He’d take care of it.
The first thing you need to realize is the power exuded in God’s Word. It is supernatural. When God speaks, it is DONE! His word contains power. His power is limitless. Trust by faith and read Hebrews 11, the faith chapter. I did! And several times over as life situations occurred that needed such faith.
By faith Noah…
By faith Abraham…
By faith Moses
By faith Ruth…and it goes on…
So many took steps of faith believing that because God spoke, it was so. Because God speaks and He will speak to you when you listen, IT IS SO!
Believe it.

And-Amen to that! 🙌