August 26, 2024

by Kimberly Hobbs 


Struggles can definitely help us connect with other people more effectively than even some of our triumphs can.

God’s word says, “I was shown mercy so that in me, the worst of sinners, Christ Jesus might display his immense patience… for those who would believe in him and receive eternal life.” (1 Timothy 1:16.)

I love to lead by example, and when I sense God urging me to share about what He has done in my own life, I assume He wants me to talk about how good and how wonderful my life is now! … But that is not the case!

God most definitely tugs at my heart and says share the mess. He wants me to share about the things that have been so twisted in my life, the gnarly knots that needed to be loosened. That one’s only He was able to untie and get me straightened through. In doing so, I glorify Him and I can also connect with the people who need encouragement to write and share their own story to help others.

Ever since I stepped out in faith and wrote about my struggles of in living in sin (”Tears to Triumph” book), God was able to show others my story that I am not perfect whatsoever. He made it clear how only He could forgive me and put me on the right course of life, which He planned for me all along. By me testifying, it helps others out of their pit of something stagnant, just as He has helped me.

God didn’t call the popular, rich, or successful to further His ministry but rather the poor, broken, and faithful. He calls any of us who are willing to say, “Only God is able to get me beyond myself and closer to Him.”

Share your story with joy that we serve a God who is willing to help you testify of who He is for His glory!