August 25, 2023

by Kimberly Hobbs 

When was the last time you prayed a blessing over your family? Do you feel you are capable of doing this? YOU ARE!
God has equipped you to declare His word over your life and also over the lives of your loved ones.
When I began speaking “life words” from scripture and proclaiming promises over loved ones who are sick, people with great personal trials, or those in need of stability, I prayed with belief. I believe God hears me when I pray them; it’s called FAITH. (Even if I am nowhere in sight of them when I pray!) You see, it is the POWER of God that gives us results from Him and through Him-by our faith. He wants us to have joy unspeakable that whenever we utter words to our God, Who is able, we know He hears us. That brings joy!
The tongue, YOUR tongue, has power of life and death (Proverbs 18:21). Speak out life over your loved ones from wherever you are! God hears your prayers, and He tells us that in His word. ( Psalm 54:2)
Declare life over everyone you love, and verbalize this to God. Discover you are a child of God, and He wants you to live a life, a good life, along with a blessed family who loves Him too. Speak out truth, speak out life!