August 22, 2024

by Kimberly Hobbs 


God gives each of us inner strength and power to do what pleases Him. He can allow even the most dreadful things, such as betrayal, to have a bright outlook.

It is natural and normal to feel deep pain when people hurt us, accuse us, reject us, or come against us. People coming against us is an unavoidable reality of our human existence.

In those times, it is absolutely understandable to feel the unfairness. However, we can’t allow ourselves to stay seated in the unfairness of the hurt or wrong. Maybe you don’t struggle with this as much as me, but I realize when I feel wronged, hurt, wrongly accused, rejected, or unjustly overlooked, I tend to get stuck there.

 I start thinking about the situation and dwelling on it almost all the time. Which only causes me more pain and suffering. Reliving the hurts all day, every day doesn’t help heal the hurt. We can’t get through our storms focused on our circumstances. If we want to overcome the hurt and pain, we need to change our focus. We need to focus our thoughts on God and His Word. When all we can think about is the unfairness of our situation, our attention is on the wrong thing. Remember what Jesus said, “These things I have spoken to you that in Me you have peace. In the world you will have tribulation, but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world.” (John 16:33)

In reality, when we go through a storm, naturally, we fall into the trap of focusing on the situation, but that never gives us what we need to overcome and rise above that storm. God gives us what we need. Don’t go at your woes alone. Look into His Word right now, this minute!