August 19, 2024

by Kimberly Hobbs 


There is a great distress in our world, and the masses just can not seem to find a way to some form of help. They feel rejected, unwanted, unloved and greatly unappreciated. Some of us as Christ followers may feel that way as well. There is hope for those who are hurting. 

What’s needed is a shift of the mind. How does this happen though? It comes with prayer and scripture over and over; powerful truths that begin saturating the mind.

We have a compassionate, powerful, healing God who will answer our every cry for help. We must trust Him. If there seems to be no way out and negative Nellie’s play into telling you so, there is a way out, go to His Word, then pray or vice versa. Communicate with God and saturate with the word.

“How compassionate He will be when He hears your cries for help! He will answer you when he hears your voice!” (Isaiah 30:19)

If you’re not getting a clear word from God, you probably are thinking He’s not answering you…oh, but He is! Pay attention to the way He may be answering your tears.

His tears for you are liquid words of love for your soul. He hurts when you hurt. His scriptures are truth and comfort, and they will ease a troubled soul searching for hope. God doesn’t want you to be sad. Your answers can come in the form of words from God which are found in His scriptures. Pray before you read God’s word. The answers are all there.

We need to sit still long enough to listen and  quiet our hearts as we read and pay attention to what each verse God gives to us means. Let His peace that will transcend a troubled heart give you peace of mind. 

The Lord hears your voice. Don’t ever doubt it when you are alone with Him and talk freely in your hurting. God is with you. ❤️