August 16, 2024

by Kimberly Hobbs 


God heals hurts. God mends brokenness. Everything that needs to happen in our lives and the lives of others can not happen without the POWER and presence of God. Prayer invites and ignites both.

Many times, our hurts and brokenness come because of relationships that have been severed.

God’s word teaches us that we need to make it a priority to reconcile for our spiritual health and wellness as well as others. 

Matthew 5:21-25 stresses resolving disagreements as soon as possible.

We must be willing to ask for forgiveness and to forgive others if we are to reconcile.

… “And in one body to reconcile both of them to God through the cross, by which he put to death their hostility.” (Ephesians 2:16, NIV)

The thing about God’s POWER… is in asking Him. If we only wait on Him, He will dispense it on us at His will. He wants us to take our problems to Him and seek Him for what we need. Our souls find rest in Him and peace in the midst of strife. Then, when our anger is subdued, God can work.

We can pray for others. We can ask God to make His presence known inside their lives. We can ask Him to open their hearts so they can hear from Him. It doesn’t mean there will always be an immediate response; in fact, sometimes it can take days, weeks, months or even years. Yes, we need to be patient. Any who pray this prayer, I stand in agreement with you.

In Matthew 18:15-17 Jesus teaches his disciples how to restore relationships with other believers who have erred. If a brother sins against you, you should first try to resolve the issue privately. If he doesn’t listen, you can bring one or two others as witnesses. If he still refuses to listen, you should tell the church, and if he still refuses, you should treat him as you would a pagan or tax collector. 

Pray for the person or persons on your heart today. Pray without ceasing. God always hears. Restoration is coming. Cling to hope found in God’s word and do your part to pray constantly; don’t give up. TRUST, HOPE, AND OBEY on your part, and please, don’t give up.❤