August 15, 2024

by Kimberly Hobbs 


Many women have crushed spirits from unkind reasons that have affected them. It may be from past years with parents, family members, teachers, spouses, and others who have repeatedly ignored them, belittled, ridiculed them, or cast a negative light on their life. 

You may be one of these women. It hurts! You may now feel invisible and unloved from these scars.

You are dearly loved and cherished friend! You need to learn to love yourself more and recognize the incredible love God has for you and the VALUE He places on a woman as yourself, created in His own image!

“You are not your own; you were bought at a price. Therefore, honor God with your bodies.” Our worth is also reflected in our bodies, which house the Holy Spirit. This verse calls us to honor God with our physical selves, recognizing the value He places on us. (1 Corinthians 6:19-20)

I am one to know God’s love has set me free from comparisons, self-loathing, self-absorption, and more. We need to allow His love to flow through us so we can, in turn, let it flow out to others! Hug yourself tight and say it’s from God today! Really!!!