Romans 8:28-29 (NIV)
“And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him, who have been called according to His purpose. For those God foreknew He also predestined to be conformed to the image of His son.”
God has a special way of helping us adapt to change. We grow older and become frustrated by the things we can no longer do but God has a way of showing us a different way to meet that same outcome, a way that brings you closer to Him as you learn to adjust and learn new things.
The possibilities are endless when we trust in the power of the Lord and seek His help for everything we can’t do in our own strength.
Sometimes it’s necessary to allow others to help so that you can face the challenge and overcome it. Don’t conform to the transitions in life and have them limit you from doing the things you love, instead find new ways of doing them. God wants to see you grow closer to Him through your challenges. Don’t allow fear to change your way of thinking or hold you back from enjoying life. God will be with us as He conforms us to be more like Him. Please do not allow your circumstance to cause you to lose heart in your journey, instead, welcome it as an opportunity to grow in your relationship with the Father. He favors you with His love and sustenance. He will provide you with a fresh wind, a new outlook, and a new way of adapting as you rest in Him.
Look up to Him and give Him all control. No challenge is too hard when faced against the power of the Lord. He will stand in the gap for you and show you the way.
Guest writer: Laurie Sammarco, thank you, sister.