Did you know there’s a language of God? We must learn His language and draw closer to Him to understand the depths of His Word, but Jesus is the language of God.
I marveled at the change in my life as I learned this truth. When God speaks to me, He does so using the vocabulary of Jesus. I have learned so much from reading the Bible and seeing it point to Him in every way. The life of Jesus speaks to my own life.
Can we truly understand the Bible if we don’t know Jesus personally? I don’t believe so. We find our true life in His presence. I can’t imagine not understanding my heavenly Father, but there was a time that I did not. I was left to my own thoughts and desires. That did not end up well for me.
When I developed a spiritual hunger, I was able to embrace truth, embrace the love of Jesus which was and is God’s love language to me. God will help you!
Go before the mercy -throne as I did with boldness. It’s there you will receive enough grace to empower you through any difficulty. With tears in my eyes, I encourage you to learn God’s language through His Son Jesus and live out with passion, a language of love provided by God, by the grace of Jesus, our Messiah.
“For You have placed everything under His authority.
This means that God has left nothing outside the control of His Son, even if presently we have yet to see this accomplished. But we see Jesus, who is a man, lived for a short time, lower than the angels, and has now been crowned with glorious honor because of what He suffered in His death. For it is by God’s grace that He experienced death’s bitterness on behalf of everyone!” ( Hebrews 2:8-9)
Jesus is undoubtedly God’s love language to us.