April 6, 2021

by Kimberly Hobbs 

While living to please God can be difficult, especially in a culture that lives the exact opposite, it’s something we’re called to, something God desires from us.
” For you are all children of the light in children of the day. We don’t belong to the night nor to the darkness”
(1 Thessalonians 5:5)
How many of us live waiting for, expecting, and being prepared for Christ’s return?
God wants us to live holy, a “set apart” people. Many of us need to put our faith into practice and live as God called us in a particular way. We need “to adopt a lifestyle worthy of God.”
For years I lived a life only to please myself and as my bumpy road became even bumpier, God got my attention. I had to adopt a lifestyle far different than the one I chose. It took repentance, a relationship with Jesus, and action to change my way of living.
The Lord’s return will come unexpectedly.
” For while some are saying, “Finally we have peace and security,” Sudden destruction will arrive at their doorstep, like labor pains seizing a pregnant woman- And with no chance of escape!”
(1Thess. 5:3)
Please do not be caught off guard in the pain and destruction of the darkness.
I do not regret nor do I miss any of the burdens I carried in the old life. Living to please God has transformed my life into abundance and peace. I know it will do the same for anyone.