January 16, 2023

by Kimberly Hobbs 

In a world that admires external beauty putting it on a pedestal, we as believers understand lasting beauty is far more than just physical beauty. True beauty is unfading and rises from within us, and it lasts eternally.
Our true beauty does not rely on superficial help. Our inner beauty should be deeply rooted in our faith and our trust in God. Our beauty should reflect like somewhat of a shining jewel, glowing the very special light from within, that love of Jesus Christ in our hearts and as believing women holding steadfast to our faith.
No matter how many plastic surgeries may have been paid for, we can never purchase the right kind of beauty- beauty from within is priceless.
Where do we look, and how do we attain this beauty? It’s the beauty that is cultivated in our hearts as we respond in obedience to God’s will for our lives. Surrender your life to Jesus, asking for forgiveness for your sins and striving to please Him with an obedient heart. Your beauty begins to radiate the closer you walk with God.
Think of these things and put them into practice. A soft and peaceful spirit, forgiveness, kindness, wisdom, insightfulness, discernment, humbleness, elegance, lovingness, and gracefulness are some of the elements that come together to form the beauty of a godly woman. I believe we all desire to attain this inner beauty.
May we pray earnestly for one another as we see our own ugly ducklings emerge into beautiful swans before our eyes with growth, knowing what’s needed to acquire this true inner beauty of Christ, and then may God help us to shine it “brilliantly” with all purity from within. ❤