We may lose sight of God, but God never loses sight of us! Our thoughts may wander but God’s eye is always over us.
God gives us space to experiment, grow, and mature, but He never intrudes on us. God never stops loving us either.
God always watches over our comings and our goings. We can find “peace” in these words… Jesus promises us “I will never leave you or forsake you.” (1 Chronicles 28:20)
When we walk within the Kingdom of heaven, God is always near. We are never alone and we need never to be afraid. Is there any other comfort more promising than Him?
Keep this reality deep in your mind and heart and don’t let anything else get a grip on you that tells you otherwise. GOD HAS YOU!
We can change our thoughts, it is not always quick or easy, but it is possible. Wake up in the morning and wash your mind for the day by giving God the ugly thoughts. Renew your mind in Jesus, He loves you most!
“Be ready to do whatever is good. “(Titus 3:1)
May we pray…
Lord, prepare my heart to respond with positive thoughts to “Your good will” and the needs set before me today. Please fill me with your wisdom in every area I need it and help me to make the right choices and please help my heart not to wander from your Almighty presence. In Jesus’ Name.