May 15, 2022

by Kimberly Hobbs 

Every day is a day we can call God our friend. We can go to His Word and see that His scripture backs up what we know about God as our friend.
Having a good friendship with God provides a healthy release for us. We can have intimacy with our Lord and know it is good. We see this in examples as God made Abraham His friend and it was a very good thing.
In 2 Chronicles 20:7, God gave the land to Abraham, His friend.
Isaiah 41:8, God calls Abraham His friend.
“But you, O Israel, my servant, Jacob, whom I have chosen, you descendants of Abraham my friend”
And in James 2:23, because Abraham believed, he was called God’s friend.
You that have believed have been given an inheritance.  You are God’s chosen friend. You can be assured that the Father who loves you is there for you as your friend.
Please turn to the best friend you can ever hope for, Jesus who is your friend.
Friendship is a two-way street. Communicate with your Friend Jesus consistently.  Let your Friend know that you love Him. Let Him into your inner space because you trust Him. He is the only One you could cast all your cares upon.
“…Because He cares for you! (1 Peter 5:7)
Take your friend with you throughout this bright and beautiful day, you’ll be so glad that you did.