Guest Writer: Dana Cryer
Lead me to the rock that is higher than I.
The Rock is the LORD JESUS CHRIST, and He is that same Rock yesterday, today, and forever, He does not change.
1 Corinthians 10:4; Psalm 89:26 Hebrews 13:8.
Good Morning,
I was sitting here and just talking to my Daddy Jesus, when He gently said “Tell My people to go to the Rock of their salvation and meet Me there.”
Today, no matter what promises you face, the Bible assures us that you can depend on God. You can turn to Him when you are tired or weary, afraid or confused.
He is your Rock!
There are countless numbers of people who are wounded and bruised today. Some of the wounds are visible and physical.
Many of us are carrying scars and bruises that may not be seen on the outside. Some are carrying the scars of guilt and shame on the inside because of past sins and failures. Others have been deceived and lied to by those they should have been able to trust.
What becomes of all children who are neglected, abused, and forsaken?
Many become
1) Politicians
2) Priests & preachers
3) Lawyers — (I was in the state’s custody when I was found at 10 years old..before I had to go on the witness stand against my abuser)…the state had a lawyer appointed that had to question me about my 5 years of being abandoned, kidnapped from my home and what did he do to me?
The lawyer began doing the same things to me that the kidnapper did.
4) Bankers
5) “Experts” (so-called, of any type… and I’m not saying all lawyers are bad-I thank God for all the ones that know Jesus as Lord and have a heart for their clients. The same for the others on the list above.
You may have been bruised and wounded and even
left for dead by others, maybe even some that have jobs that are on this list. Many of them are broken and wounded themselves.
You may be down, but you are definitely not out! Through all the turmoil and trouble you may be experiencing right now, the Good Shepherd stands ready to anoint you with His healing, soothing oil of gladness!
Each of us needs to step back from the clutter and clamor of the crowd and take a big dose of the LORD’S healing oil.
Let’s continue going to the Rock of our Salvation and trust Him for our joy. . . The joy of the Lord is our strength. And because the best is yet to come!
Yes, let’s stand under the ”big dose of God’s healing oil in Jesus’ Name!”