Guest Writer: Donna Clare from the United Kingdom
I was walking down the street yesterday and there laying on the ground was this one penny. I felt God say “pick it up, it has value too!”
When a person glances down and sees just one penny, they might not think it’s valuable enough so they disregard it. But the one penny has a value.
People are quick to throw away what they don’t feel is of value or they think it’s not worth very much and do not take the time to recognize true worth.
Yes, this coin might be worth one penny but it absolutely has value and it does matter. It has worth and so do you!
God sees the value in YOU, even when you can’t see it yourself! He knows every detail about you because He made you! He fashioned you and knit you together in your mother’s womb. You are precious and beautiful. A treasure to behold.
You matter so much that God sent His only Son Jesus to die for You! He loved you so much that He gave up His precious son. Jesus chose to die because He knew the outcome. He knew that death was not the end! He died in your place and mine so that we can be free to live life to the full and share eternity in heaven with Him! He took everything upon Himself and went through the most agonizing pain, humiliation and heart break so that you and I could have a relationship with God the Father and Jesus. He desires to be our closest friend! We would be free!
He is mine and I’m undone at all He went through for me! If you or I were the only person on earth, Jesus still would have died! That’s how much He loves us! That’s how much He sees the value in us that even when we didn’t acknowledge Him and we were still doing wrong- He died for us! How wonderful and what a precious gift!
I am free! forgiven, redeemed, and restored and you can be too! God can turn any life around. Please, first see the value in yourself and then see the value in others. You matter and so do others. When people are around you, let them walk away knowing their true worth and value because you care.
Jesus saw and still sees because He didn’t die and that was it, it was over – No! Sunday is coming, it’s Easter and He rose again! YES AND AMEN. He sees beauty where others see scars and ashes, He sees a message where others see a mess.
May we all choose kindness and compassion instead of judgment. We have no idea what a person has been through! No one is unworthy enough not to be saved, everyone has value in God’s eyes. No one is too far gone. We all have fallen short and that’s why Jesus went to the cross; to pay the price so we wouldn’t have to! Love won and love wins every time.
Know you are valuable and precious and you make a difference. There is a destiny marked out just for you, so embrace it! Choose life and life to the full, to overflowing! Choose the most precious gift of Jesus. It will be the best decision you ever make and know that He can transform your life because He sees your true value. He has the best for you!
We are family at Women World Leaders; we are sisters in Christ. When we are united we are stronger together. When the one penny is with lots of others the one penny increases in value collectively.
Remember to be united and love like Jesus loved.