April 11, 2022

by Kimberly Hobbs 

Are you an encourager of God and His message? God wants to work a miracle in the lives of others by using you through encouragement!
We are reminded in God’s Word how He uses women who love Him and serve Him. Deborah in the Bible was a woman of strength. She was used to evangelize. We could learn from her in the book of Judges that she wanted to strengthen and encourage her people’s faith by reminding them of what miracle God had accomplished for them. God gave the freedom back to His people.
As people “give up” all around us, we need to encourage them from God’s word not to quit. When we see people are “down for the count,” pray with them, speak life into them and help them stand on their feet again. God wants to work a miracle in their lives and He can do it through you. Yes, you! Always be looking to help others around you.
When we get to the battle scene, God wants to work a miracle through you but you must be willing to play a significant part. You must be willing to be used. Please do not hesitate and trust God in the moment He nudges you.
“So may all your enemies perish, Lord! But may all who love you be like the sun when it rises in its strength.” ( Judges 5:3-10)
God will back you and prepare you as the unbeatable God He is and use you to encourage in the lives of others on to their victory. He will provide the strength to fo it. His power and strength. Remember Ephesians 3:20 shares “He will do immeasurable more than you could imagine.”
Please just be ready and be willing.