Sexually broken women usually feel they have no value. A judgmental approach is often non-intentional, but occurs. I was one of these women, it takes a special person to minister to them one on one.
Ministering to sexually broken women must involve ongoing and specific teaching from the Word of God. If not, the supposed helper person can come across as distressingly judgmental. It’s often better off that one should remain silent and not approach them at all and just pray for them if they can’t offer advice from scripture with love.
But if you’re led to help…
Be a trusted sister in Christ. Then, you must know them and pray to really know them and disciple them to understand the nature of temptation and what’s happening inside their hearts that may be contributing to their sin.
They will need to know the richness of God’s design for sexuality and not merely a list of do’s and don’ts from others’ opinions. This takes time. We can’t expect women to come running to be taught by us, it just won’t happen…
If there is a need by someone you love who is affected, ask God to help you to help them and see them as He does.
Grow in wisdom through God’s Word and become a loving listener first.
Grow in your theology, so that God’s Word could be applied to the real-life situations of women in life. Do not step into this arena blindly. You will lose their confidence if you give flippant answers of do’s and do not do’s.
Be the healing hands of Jesus that extend true grace, forgiveness, and rescue–for all sinners, including sexual sin. Be a Titus 2 woman.
Remember, these hurting women are beloved daughters of God who need to be set free from the brokenness of sin and shame. Allow them to see King Jesus who gives courage, wisdom, joy, calling, welcoming, forgiveness and discipline with love through His precious Word. Jesus loves His daughters, so should we.