October 31, 2024

by Kimberly Hobbs 


In the USA, Halloween is celebrated every October 31. I just felt the need to share this today. Personally, as a Christ follower, I have concerns when this time of year comes around because so many people blindly celebrate this with their children and say, “I just do it for fun.” Please be cautious. I had fun, too, and did not look deeper, unfortunately.

Halloween is a touchy subject to many of us in different ways. But those who are unaware and do not see any of the dangers can quickly be deceived due to its pagan origins. It is associated with the worship of deities other than God! The focus theme of the enemy here is to take our eyes off God and celebrate the day and month on themes of darkness, death, and the occult. It is all about the demonic influence permeating everything it can in a specific time frame!

These issues should alarm us and make us think twice about what we participate in or allow our children to be part of. Many evil acts happen around this time. We are indirectly teaching our kids that promoting evil or worshipping false gods is okay when the Bible clearly instructs us not to have any part of it.

I did some investigating before writing this and, of course, prayed several times while writing it. But be assured—there is a spirit world all around us.

“Your hand-to-hand combat is not with human beings but with the highest principalities and authorities operating in rebellion under the heavenly realms. For they are a powerful class of demon-gods and evil spirits that hold this dark world in bondage.” (Ephesians 6:12)

Halloween stems from the Celtic festival of Samhain, where it was thought spirits could easily cross over into the human world, which is seen as a practice contrary to our belief in Jesus Christ and God our Father and eternity.

The Halloween decorations and costumes involve imagery associated with darkness, like witches, ghosts, and vampires, which, no matter how it’s viewed, highly promotes evil and demonic forces. These forces don’t need to be tempted because they are real and alive already and want to devour us and our children and grandchildren together. Why would we even go anywhere near such a thing and tempt a seed planted in our young ones and their innocent minds? I can hardly believe I fell into the “it’s ok, no harm in it” trap!

The Bible clearly guides us in Deuteronomy 12:31 (“You shall not worship the LORD your God in that way”), so shouldn’t we avoid incorporating these practices of staying far and clear into our “Littles” lives?

I get it; not everyone believes they should avoid Halloween, and many find ways to participate while remaining consistent with their walk with Jesus by using non-threatening costumes and focusing on the community aspect of trick-or-treating. It’s a personal conviction of what you feel. I just felt led today that God told me to “share this,” so I am.

Maybe use Halloween as an opportunity to share your reason for not identifying with the crowds of followers and then share your faith. It takes courage to do this and stand firm! We are each going to be accountable to God, and don’t think He won’t ask you one day! Especially what we teach our children. They are His children before they are ours. God has entrusted them to us. Please protect their minds, which belong to God.