October 11, 2024

by Kimberly Hobbs 


Today, I am stepping out boldly and courageously, speaking out with urgency saying, “We all need to cleanse our DNA” so our land can be healed.

Repentance should be a part of our daily routine. Confess your sins before God. We are living in a time where fear seems to dictate lives and uncertainty inside this world is mounting. Confession should be part of our daily lives. Keep your communication on the “God channel,” keeping lines open between you and Him. This is done through confessing your sins and removing any barriers between you and your Holy God, you trust.

The goal of the enemy is to change our DNA. He wants to bombard our “frequency” with the wrong music we hear, the media we are watching, or the movies we allow in our homes. DO NOT ALLOW THE ENEMY TO CONTROL YOUR DNA.

We need to be praying for “strongholds” to be broken at this time in our world. The enemy is creating havoc all around us. Don’t feed into this. Speak in love and encouragement to others through this time, not in your intellect. Starve the feeding frenzy.

Intellect combating intellect does not work. It only escalates anger and resentment. Don’t battle over politics, whatever your side be. You are a Christ follower first and foremost! Remember this. Please, please remember this!

Repent for them. Pray for them and encourage everyone with the love that Jesus asks you to encourage with.

Do you realize your blood (DNA) emits a certain type of endorphin if you watch a scary movie? It’s scientifically proven and it’s the type that demons feed on.

The blood of Jesus works on a different frequency if we are believers. It takes down satan’s frequency. You hold that POWER in your blood if you’re a believer, a Christ follower. 

Stomp out the devil, God’s people need to step up and step up quickly. Worship and praise Him now, more than ever!!! Even if you do not do this, if you aren’t praising God, do you realize God says, “Even if my followers were silenced, the very stones would break forth with praises!” (Luke 19:40)


We are here for a reason during this season. We are to complete the task God put us here for.  Train your senses between good and evil, dear one. God is faithful. He will see us through individually in whatever our time of need is.

If my people, who are called by my name will humble themselves and pray, and SEEK MY FACE, and TURN FROM THE WICKED WAYS, then will I hear from heaven…FORGIVE their sins and HEAL THEIR LAND. (2 Chronicles 7:1)