October 1, 2024

by Kimberly Hobbs 


To know Jesus should be our greatest longing! To see Him one day face to face should be our heart’s desire and deeply embedded in our thoughts. He is our most valuable treasure we could ever want.

The fact that we are “grafted in” on the vine to be able to become one of His daughters is a gift we did not deserve. 

God’s radiant glory should shine in each of our bodies, knowing we carry such a treasure within. It’s not our outward appearance, no; it is the inner beauty reflected of a Savior who loves us.

We are daughters of the Most High God. The significance of His radiating beauty should ooze out of our pores as we walk with Him moment by moment. 

The Bible tells us: “He possessed no distinguishing beauty or outward splendor to catch our attention-nothing special in his appearance to make us desire him” (Isaiah 53:2)

But oh, sweet woman of God, to be able to grasp the beauty in this verse, knowing that He drew us to Him in love, we can not comprehend the “awe” of the One who captured our hearts! Hold this ever-transcending thought in your mind, plant it on your heart, let it grow within your soul with excitement in your being…”Oh, to see Him face-to-face one day, what a moment that will be for eternity”!